One slight annoyance with trying to control multiple characters is that the main view windows seems to be on rollers, and it doesn't stop immediately when you take your mouse cursor off the edge of the screen, so you may move away from the area you wanted to stop on when you're trying to pull off an intricate plan. This is especially handy when you're trying to control several characters at once to set up an elaborate trap for your enemies.

Like Desperados, a convenient macro function lets you set up quick actions for your characters that will play out with a push of a button. This is where your brains come in handy as you figure out the best way to get through each level. However, as a gentleman among thieves, Robin has a reputation to uphold, and if you take the direct approach too much, your reputation will fall and the people won't support your cause as much, translating into less Merry Men for Robin.
Although unlike the Commandos series or Desperado where you were pretty much toast if you went head-on with your foes, you can go sword-to-sword with the enemy much easier in Robin Hood, and you don't have to go around tip-toeing everywhere. In addition to having an open-ended structure, the missions features a lot of different objectives, and it's usually not a matter of just killing all the bad guys to get the gold prize. As you don't have unlimited items, this is a particularly important aspect of the game as you have to be sure to allocate people to the task of creating items that will be useful in future missions. Not only can your men rest to regain health, but they can train in melee or bow attacks, as well as produce items such as arrows, coin purses, nets and medicinal herbs. Between missions you'll spend your downtime in Sherwood, and you have to leave some of your men behind to play in the trees while you're out robbing the rich. One of the coolest additions that the game introduces to the genre is a bit of resource management. This brings up another unique and nifty part of Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood. The rewards may be higher if you choose the more difficult mission, but the easier missions will give your band of Merry Men some much needed rest. While it does get somewhat more difficult as you progress through the game, throughout the game you're presented with choices like going up against a well-trained army or a group of rookies guarding a caravan of gold. This is one aspect of the game I really enjoyed. You're not locked into a linear mission path, as most of the time you're given a choice of several missions of varying difficulty. Unlike Commandos and Desperados, Robin Hood features a much more open-ended mission system. For example, Robin can make guards fight amongst themselves by tossing a coin purse into a group of sentries, Will Scarlet can operate siege weapons and Friar Tuck is quite good at bonking guards on the head with his staff and knocking them unconscious without spilling blood. Other unique characters from the myth add to the atmosphere of the game as well as to the gameplay.

Each of the characters in the game has their unique specialties that come in handy to complete each mission, whether it be the ability to block incoming arrow fire, throw an apple to distract the guards, or heal other members of your party with herbs. The game follows in the footsteps of games like Commandos and the earlier Spellbound developed Desperados, but adds a few neat twists to the squad-based puzzle strategy genre. Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood features a storyline that stays true to the legend, and plays out quite nicely as well.

Seeing as how he now has no home and no king, Robin does what any kind-hearted rogue would - he dons a pair of green tights, gathers a bunch of desperate and dirty men and robs Prince John's minions in order to raise enough cash to free Richard. Nasty old Prince John has taken his family's land and displaced kind King Richard the Lion-Hearted, who is now languishing in an Austrian prison. Only problem is, when he returns to his manor, he finds that he has no home left. Just in case you're not familiar with the legend of Robin Hood, Robin returns to jolly ol' England after slaughtering countless Saracens during the Crusades. Now the German-based developer strikes again with a brain-teasing action/strategy game set against yet another great backdrop: the legend of Robin Hood. While it wasn't a huge seller, Spellbound's last effort, last year's Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive, was a critically acclaimed hit in the puzzle strategy genre.